NYC Professional Office Organizer | Virtual Organizer

315 E 69th St, Ste 9D, New York, NY

  |  917.375.0631

Ask a Professional Organizer – Staying Organized in an Open Office

As many small businesses shift towards an open office workspace, questions arise about focus, productivity, and organization. This month your NYC Professional Office Organizer is answering your questions about working productively and efficiently in an open office space. Q: My office is converting to an open office floor plan and as we are collaborating more… Continue Reading »

Checking Out a Co-Working Space with a NYC Professional Office Organizer

As the workplace transforms and companies shift from private office spaces to open office concepts, and as employees move from commuting to remote working, the need for co-working spaces has evolved to fit a new need. Co-working workspaces have popped up all over the world and provide their members and community spaces to work both… Continue Reading »

NYC Professional Office Organizer’s Top Productivity Tools

Working in an open office workspace brings new challenges in terms of productivity and ability to focus. Because of those challenges, testing out some of the many tech tools and apps that are available to help you out is the way to go. Here are this NYC Professional Office Organizer’s recommendations for tools to keep… Continue Reading »

Creative Office Organizing Ideas for Increased Productivity in Your Open Floor Plan Office

The value of productivity, collaboration, and creativity is high when you are working in an open space. If you are considering this type of work environment, then try these creative office organizing ideas from your NYC Professional Office Organizer for maximizing productivity and getting the most out of your space. Consider moveable furniture. This idea… Continue Reading »

NYC Professional Office Organizer Shares Benefits to Open Offices

Have you been considering converting your workspace into an open office concept? Or perhaps you are ready for an office move and are looking at spaces that would support the idea of an open office. The idea of an office renovation may be daunting, but the benefits may outweigh the inconveniences. In order to make… Continue Reading »

The One Simple Trick to Organizing Paperwork in the Office

Have you ever looked around your office and wished for a magic solution to the paper clutter? Well this NYC Professional Office Organizer is here to grant your request! There is one simple solution that will help curb most of your problems with organizing paperwork in the office. Wish granted – get an inbox! An… Continue Reading »