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Closet Organizing Solutions for Work and Home from the Professional Organizer in NYC


organized closetHas your closet become a catch-all for more than just your clothes? Are each of your pieces of clothing hung up and organized? What about your shoes, belts, and accessories? What about your office storage closet – is it much of the same? Do you spend way too much time searching for items you need?

Neither your home or office closet should be overflowing with clutter! You can take steps today to make your home and office closets functional and practical. This Professional Organizer in NYC is going to share with you how to maximize your space, eliminate the closet clutter, and help you find what you are looking for much faster!

At home, closet organizing is like a puzzle. With so many organizing products to choose from, you can take any size closet and create the space that you need. Combining storage boxes, shelf organizers, and over door solutions will result in a closet space that is functional and that will save you time when you are seeking out your favorite pair of shoes or sweater. You can get additional ideas here for the types of closet organizing products you can use for different situations. With a little creativity and planning, you can create a system that works well for you!

Your office supply closet isn’t much different. Everything should have a designated space. Just like at home, an organized office supply closet can help you save time and work more efficiently. With pens, paper clips, and printing paper tossed haphazardly into the closet, not only is their risk of loss or breakage which costs your company money, but you will also spend entirely too much time looking for supplies instead of working productively on your own tasks. Even a cluttered office supply closet can be saved! Read through these closet organizing tips and start the process of creating a functional, organized office supply closet.

These home and office closet organizing tips will work whether your closet is on the smaller side or much larger. There are many organizing products that would work for your specific situation. This Professional Organizer in NYC encourages you to create the system that works best for you! Happy organizing!

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