NYC Professional Office Organizer | Virtual Organizer

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3 Tips to Ease the Transition Back to Work After Vacation

After time off for a well-earned vacation, it can be difficult to immediately transition back into your normal work mode. Time away to relax is needed to re-charge but jumping right back into a busy workday with a full schedule and jam-packed to-do list can be overwhelming. To make the adjustment easier, this NYC Professional… Continue Reading »

Create a Vacation Prep Plan So You’ll Enjoy Your Time Out of the Office

Sometimes the greatest obstacle to taking time off for a weekend getaway or a family vacation is your job and its responsibilities. How can you leave work for a period of time? Will everything still run efficiently without you? How can you possibly enjoy time off if you are worried about the massive amount of… Continue Reading »

Balancing Work and Time Off While on Vacation

When you are running a business or have a lot of work responsibility, the idea of taking any time off to enjoy a vacation might not be on your radar. Instead of thinking of the positive benefits of getting away, you may be overwhelmed as you consider what would happen with your workload if you… Continue Reading »

Tips to Stay Organized on Vacation

  Getting packed and organized to leave for a day trip or week-long vacation can be quite the challenge. But the organizing doesn’t stop there! It’s important to have a plan in place to stay organized while you are away. Searching for lost clothing items, feeling frazzled with schedules and activities…doesn’t sound like a very relaxing time, does… Continue Reading »