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5 Ways to Organize with Pinterest

5 Ways to Organize with Pinterest

Do you “pin”? Even if you haven’t jumped on the Pinterest bandwagon, you’ve likely heard about this social networking site that allows users to “clip” and “pin” photos and web content and organize them on Pinterest into virtual “pin boards” – displaying everything from vacation destinations to favorite shoes to brownie recipes. Here are five ways to organize your ideas on Pinterest for your home, your office, your life:

  1. Home renovations/projects – create a board for each room in your home and organize your ideas for everything from major renovations to décor to organizing ideas on Pinterest. You can pin photos of kitchen cabinet styles that catch your eye and do-it-yourself instructions for that fabric-covered headboard you want to add to your guest room. If you have lots of projects in mind or in the works, further divide out our pin boards; for example, Kitchen/Pantry, Kitchen/Appliances so that they don’t become overwhelming. You can do the same for office products and furnishings, so that when you’re ready to make a decision, you can view everything in one place for easy comparison.
  2. Recipe organization – cookbooks can take valuable storage space, particularly when there are so many great recipes available from vast number of online resources. Create and organize your Pinterest boards for favorite recipes, special occasion recipes, soups, breads, breakfasts – whatever categories work for you and your family. You can collect recipes from your favorite websites and organize them on Pinterest as well as finding ideas shared on the site.
  3. Plan your next vacation –create a board to collect ideas of potential vacation locations. Include places you and your family have talked about visiting, as well as recommendations from friends and colleagues. You can also create trip-specific boards with accommodations to consider, sights to check out, activities and restaurants.
  4. Holiday/birthday planning – compile gift ideas for the holidays or plan a special party by collecting and organizing ideas on a Pinterest board. These are great opportunities to create a “secret” board – visible only to you. Each Pinterest member can have up to three secret boards at a time.
  5. Reading lists – create boards for books and articles you want to read, and subdivide into categories – fiction, non-fiction, beach reads, professional journals, etc. You can also create a board to share recommendations of your favorite books and authors.

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