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3 Types of Waste in Offices and What To Do About Them

Offices are bustling hubs of productivity, but they also generate significant amounts of waste. Excessive waste generation and improper disposal negatively affect the environment. And waste piling up creates a stressful, disorganized workplace. Learn three types of waste in offices and what to do about them.

1. E-Waste

Electronic waste, or e-waste, is a growing concern thanks to the rapid advancement of technology. E-waste consists of electronic products that don’t work, are nearing the end of their working life, or are unwanted.

Throwing out e-waste can be challenging because the equipment can be toxic and doesn’t naturally break down. One of the advantages of e-waste recycling for your business is that it safeguards the environment from contamination.

Recycling Tips

Partner with an e-waste recycling program that’ll collect and recycle old or broken electronics. To improve compliance, ensure that employees understand the e-waste collection procedures and the potential hazards of improper disposal.

2. Paper

Another prominent type of waste that accumulates in offices is paper. The best action against paper waste is reducing how much your office uses, then disposing of it properly.

From unnecessary printing to outdated documents, paper tends to accumulate quickly. Embrace digital alternatives for communication and documentation. If practical, set default print settings to double sided.

The next key to managing paper waste is responsible disposal. Educate employees about paper recycling and place recycling bins strategically throughout the office for convenient use.

3. Plastic

Plastic waste poses a significant environmental threat but is also a versatile and ubiquitous material. As with managing paper waste, effective plastic waste management in the workplace requires organization-level planning and individual effort.

Reduce single-use plastic by encouraging employees to get reusable water bottles, coffee mugs, and lunch containers. Provide water dispensers or water coolers instead of individual plastic bottles.

Collaborate with vendors to find minimal packaging or eco-friendly alternatives. Request products with reduced plastic packaging, or opt for suppliers who prioritize sustainability.

Creating a greener workspace benefits the environment and fosters a positive work culture that prizes waste reduction, recycling, and responsible consumption. Resist electronic, paper, and plastic waste accumulation to improve your office.

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