NYC Professional Office Organizer | Virtual Organizer

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Stay Organized with a Hybrid Work Checklist

With many companies adopting a hybrid solution as staff returns to the office, new habits are needed to make this a successful transition. While there will be benefits for splitting your week between your office and home, remaining productive in both locations will be key. It is very easy to take for granted that all materials, information, and other essentials will be at your fingertips. After all, you are used to sitting down at your office desk or home workspace at the appointed hour and tackling the first task on your to-do list. The challenge will be on those days when you have to switch locations. After all, the goal is for this to be seamless… but will this be the case? The solution is to get organized and create a hybrid work checklist.

The purpose of this checklist is to identify all the must have items needed each day.  Take a few minutes to review your typical day and make a list of what’s needed. Creating a word document that is left on your computer desktop or using app on your phone is the way to go. After all, you will need quick access to this list from both work locations. Think of the challenges if you’re working from home and have left your laptop’s power cord in the office. Taking a few minutes to set up this list will eliminate a lot of unnecessary stress and unexpected down time.

Here are some items that could be included on your checklist. The list should be customized to you, how you work and the items that need to be accessible.


-Power cord



-To do list

-Meeting notes notebook or pad


-Food, snacks, water bottle

Once the list is done, be sure to review it before shutting down your laptop each day. Including this review as part of your daily end of day routine will help with the habit formation. Remember repetitive action will create the habit so it’ll be very important to review the list daily. You could also put a note on your calendar to check the list at the end of each day for at least the first two weeks. Before you know it, reviewing the checklist as your day is wrapping up will be an automatic activity.

Creating this list should only take minutes but the benefits will be significant. What items will be on your hybrid work checklist? I’d love to hear from you, share here.  

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