Getting Ready For Fall
Okay, I sure hate to say it but summer is, well, almost over. Of course, I know that the warm weather will continue through September (in the Northeast at least) and there will still be some good times to be had at the beach. But let’s face it: the days are getting a wee bit shorter, fall clothes are in all of the store windows, school supplies are on the shelves and you can even find Halloween costumes in some stores.
So even if you hate the thought of shorter days and colder temperatures there’s not a thing that you can do about it. So, embrace the changing season and think of all the positive and wonderful things that are associated with fall. As an NYC professional organizer, it’s part of my job description to make that possible!
Toward that end, here are some home organizing tips that will make preparing for fall much easier:
- Since the seasons change so quickly it’s best to get your Fall wardrobe in place before you wake up to a 50-degree day and have nothing but hot weather clothing in your closet. This is a terrific time to take stock of what you have and donate or discard the old fall and winter clothes that you haven’t worn for years and that are simply taking up valuable space in your closets. Purging closets and drawers can be very cathartic, and you’ll be ready for the new season as well.
- The weather can change very quickly – don’t be caught unprepared! If you live in a home and are responsible for your own heating then making certain that the system is operating efficiently is a must. The worst time to find out that your oil burner isn’t working properly is when the temperature dips to an uncomfortable level and you have to start the heat. Do a test run now when you have the luxury of time to call for repairs should you find that it is not working as it should.
- If you live in a private home you should also survey your property and see if there is any outside maintenance that needs to be done before the weather turns. Tree trimming, driveway paving and gutter repair are all things that should be completed before the weather turns cold.
- When fall “finally” arrives it seems like you have mere minutes before the holiday season is upon us. Juggling the demands of work and family (and a little personal time as well) is taxing enough; throw in some holiday shopping and there just doesn’t seem to be enough hours to get it all done. Imagine if all of your shopping could get done before the seasonal time crunch. How about starting now (if you haven’t already)? Prepare your list of gift recipients and slowly and methodically begin to purchase the gifts. Come mid-November, you’ll be all done and able to actually enjoy the season! Wouldn’t that be a nice gift from your NYC professional organizer?
- A snow blower and generator need gasoline to operate and it’s wise to make certain that you have some on hand before you need to use these items. It’s also a good idea to start them up when you don’t have to use them and make certain that they are in good working order.
- Gather all of your beach “stuff” and put it in one place. Suntan lotion, towels, sunhats, etc. will need to be put away soon. Packing up these items for next summer will go faster if they’re all in one place so that they can be quickly sorted. Those empty suntan lotion bottles can be discarded now, too, and the ones with lotion remaining can be stored together once beach season is over for good.
- Everyone always talks about doing a major “spring cleaning” and is no doubt one of the great home organizing tips. But what about doing a robust cleaning at the end of summer, before fall and the associated cold weather that brings us indoors for many months? This is the time to evaluate what you might need to replace or repair before the holiday season along with visiting family or friends are on your doorstep. Window washing? Who wants to do that when the weather is cold? You know, it’s funny really. We do our spring cleaning and then spring is upon us and we’re outdoors for much of the time. In winter, we spend much of our time indoors, and so a well-organized, uncluttered and clean home might even be more important.
Don’t get me wrong. I love summer and all of its many charms, but not one of us can hold back time. The fall solstice is not too far away. Enjoy the rest of your summer but don’t wait too long to get ready for the next season on the horizon.