Home Office Organizing… The Year in Review
Can you believe that there’s only 1 week left in the year? Like many, I’m very glad to see 2020 in the rear-view mirror. Instead of focusing on all the negatives, I’ll look to the positive. This has been a year of slowing down, re-focusing, re-assessing, re-prioritizing and in many cases transitions or pivots. One of the major changes for so many was working from home on a more or less full-time basis. With this came, new challenges as well as greater focus on ongoing ones… all of which provided home office organizing content for my blog. As we celebrate the last few of the year, I am taking a look back at my blogs and wanted to highlight 4 that are particularly relevant.
5 Time Management Tips for Working at Home During COVID-19
With working from home and remote learning, our time management skills which may have served us well in the past are being challenged regularly. Our productivity is suffering but we can combat this by changing our workday processes. Here are 5-time management tips.
Working from Home…Managing Work and Life
As a result of COVID, the routines that are now part of my daily life have resulted in much better work/life balance. I have always had a home office, so working from home isn’t an issue. There have been other changes to my daily routine, many of which will continue once life returns to whatever normal will be. It’s taken longer for habits to form while others became part of daily life in no time.
How do you Clear Mental Clutter?
There is a lot more to keep track of during these COVID times. There are work responsibilities, the household tasks and of course overseeing the needs of children and extended family. As a result, our brains are in overdrive trying to keep track of all that needs to be done. We are thinking of tasks faster than we can act on them creating way too much mental clutter. Just like physical clutter, a process is required to manage and clear it, so all the important issues are addressed. Here’s my approach for doing this.
Working from Home… Control Your Environment
To thrive in a world where there’s so much that you can’t control, focus all your efforts on what you can. Start with your environment. You’re working from home… start with home office organizing! Creating a space that supports your work and life is essential especially during these times. By doing this, you’ll have calm and control making it significantly easier to tackle whatever comes your way. Check out these tips.
2020 is done! As we move into the new year, all facets of home office organizing will still be essential. Reach out for strategies and support to create that organized and productive workspace that will be needed for success.