How to Tackle Holiday Decluttering… 3 tips
With the holidays winding down, it’s time to shift gears and focus on the new year. As you’re doing this, it’s the perfect time for some holiday decluttering and organizing. Regaining control of your space is important especially during these unusual times. This will be one less issue to stress over. Here are some tips to minimize the clutter that has collected.
Get rid of what you don’t need. This will create space for items that you do need. Even during COVID, there were plenty of gifts exchanged. Now, there are either some items that are not wanted or old ones that have been replaced. Make space in your closets and dresser drawers by donating all those coats, sweaters and hats that you don’t want or need. These days especially there are those who could really use them. Try places like Goodwill or NY Cares to donate your old coats. The stress of tackling the sorting of your belongings can be greatly reduced when you consider how your gift will help someone less fortunate.
Donate to your local food bank. Do a sweep of your pantry. Look for items that were purchased specifically for the holidays and not used. Also, look for items that you have mistakenly overstocked because you didn’t realize they were buried on the back of the shelf. Make space in your cabinets by collecting them and donating them to a local food bank or other charitable organization. If you are in NYC, check out City Harvest and Food Bank NYC.
Sort your holiday decorations. You like many may have gone a bit overboard with the holiday decorations this year. As we’re craving a more normal holiday season after all the COVID restrictions and challenges, there’s nothing wrong with going all out on decorating. However, now that the holidays are almost done, it’s time to find a place to store all these newly acquired trinkets. This is the perfect time for some holiday decluttering. With a round of sorting/purging, you can reduce the quantity of decorations so that they take up the same amount of space as usual. Clearly label each storage container so that it will be easy to access the contents in the appropriate order next December.
While you’re still in the holiday mode, take a little time for these holiday decluttering tasks. It will be a win-win for you and the recipients of those items that you donate. For more decluttering and organizing strategies, reach out to this NYC Professional Office Organizer.