NYC Professional Office Organizer | Virtual Organizer

315 E 69th St, Ste 9D, New York, NY

  |  917.375.0631

Creating a Household Inventory

The devastating tornadoes in the Midwest this spring and the risk of hurricanes in the months ahead are a clear reminder of the importance of having an up-to-date inventory of your household possessions. Though homeowner’s or renter’s insurance will pay to replace your belongings, the impetus is on you to provide a complete list of… Continue Reading »

Eliminating Financial Clutter with Tips from Your NYC Professional Organizer

If your investment portfolio is a collection of accounts with no rhyme or reason, it can lead to “financial clutter.” It’s not uncommon to change jobs many times, leading to the accumulation a lot of accounts, without having a well thought-out investment strategy. A NYC Professional Organizer can help organize your financial accounts, and a… Continue Reading »

Professional Organizer Reveals 8 Ways Being Organized Saves You Money

Professional organizers can tell you that there are many advantages to being organized. Saving money is one that’s hard to overlook. Taking steps to organize your home and office empowers you to be more efficient and less stressed, but there are real monetary benefits as well. Just the process of working with a professional organizer… Continue Reading »

Our Favorite Products for Organizing Your NYC Closet

Spring begins this Tuesday, but the really important event on your calendar should be national Clean Out Your Closet Week! Designated as the third week of March, this is a great time for eliminating clutter, maximizing space and organizing your NYC closet. Professional organizers recommend having the right tools for the task you’re trying to… Continue Reading »