5 Time Management Tips for Your Work Day
A huge cause of stress and anxiety in the workplace is due to time management challenges. When you get into the office every day, you may feel bombarded immediately with phone calls to make, meetings to attend, emails to respond to, and a to-do list of tasks a mile long. Being overwhelmed doesn’t feel good, and it doesn’t translate to you doing your best work.
Here are 5 time management tips from your Professional Organizer in NYC to help you become more productive during your work day.
Plan ahead. Set aside time to plan out your daily tasks. Spend a few minutes each night mapping out what tasks need to be done the next day. Use a calendar and a to-do list to manage tasks so that you never miss a deadline and you know what projects are coming up. Break projects into manageable steps and add those to your list. Looking at projects in pieces is often easier to handle than looking at it as a whole. It doesn’t feel quite so overwhelming when there are easy steps to take! Don’t waste time wondering what to do next – review your plan at the beginning of your work day and dive right in.
Become a master at prioritizing. This is so important! When planning your day, you want to tackle the most important or most urgent task first. This helps to ensure that the work is done in time and also frees you from worrying about it all day! From there, you can move on to other tasks with the satisfaction that the most urgent one has already been completed. If you start with the non-important tasks, you’ll find yourself anxiously working on the important task at the last minute, possibly working extra hours and pushing back deadlines for other projects.
Get rid of distractions. Distractions are a huge time management issue. To minimize them, keep your desk and office clutter free. Close your door when you need to focus. Close out of all extra tabs on your internet browser. Turn off your phone and put it away. When you remove the distractions, you’ll be able to spend your time focused on the task at hand.
It’s okay to say “NO.” A big problem is we often don’t feel like we have enough hours in the day to complete everything we need to do. Instead of trying to squeeze everything in, learn how to say “NO!” You don’t need to volunteer for every committee. You don’t need to take on more projects when you already have a long to-do list that you haven’t touched. Another element is learning how to delegate. Pass on certain tasks to your assistant so you can focus on those tasks that only you can do. Maybe another project can be shifted to a coworker. Don’t take on more than you can handle. It’s okay to ask for help!
Create organizing systems. Having systems in place will save you time and frustration. You’ll be able to find supplies and information when you need it, rather than spending valuable time searching. For example, creating an email filing system will allow you to find what you are looking for right away. Systems are the key to a functioning office and to saving time!
In order to ditch the state of overwhelm that a busy work day might bring, you need to be organized and manage your tasks and yourself efficiently. When you do, you’ll find yourself less anxious, more productive, and happier with your work! At the end of the day, if you need guidance, contact your Professional Organizer in NYC.