NYC Professional Office Organizer | Virtual Organizer

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Let’s Talk: Effective Communication Improves Productivity

I’ve often shared that ORGANIZATION is key in creating a productive workplace and good communication skills are vital in working productively in that space. When communicating effectively you will alleviate confusion, give purpose, create accountability, and ultimately provide a more positive company culture. Efficient communication improves productivity. Without it, you will spend more time on correcting misunderstandings and mistakes than on actual work that needs to be done. Here are 3 important communication tips that will have a positive impact on your productivity.

Stay Focused

When you have the opportunity for a face-to-face conversation, stay focused and avoid the distractions. This includes your phone, email, and the files you keep glancing at on your desk. This is equally important in group meetings. Think about it – when you are speaking with someone who keeps glancing at their phone, are you confident that they know what’ll be expected of them? When you give the speaker your undivided attention, he or she will know their message was received. You will have greater clarity of the issues and can immediately tackle the respective tasks instead of wasting time checking back for details you missed.

Follow Up

A follow-up email, letter, or phone call can make all the difference. If you attended an important meeting or had a client call, an email summarizing the key points covered and tasks to be done will ensure that everyone is on the same page. Keep it short, concise and in a quick read format!

When Email is Appropriate

In today’s technology-based workforce, email is often the quickest, easiest, and most used form of communication. In many cases, it’s completely appropriate to use. However, there are challenges when communication is based solely inside of an email inbox. First, it can sometimes be impossible to discern tone in an email. In addition, body language can communicate volumes so it can be very easy to misconstrue the recipient’s reaction to a situation or message. Lastly, an email message can go unread inadvertently or you may be delayed in replying, causing the recipient to worry if something is wrong. Choosing the best means of communication for the specific situation is essential and will save time in the long run.

Remember, in all communication, whether it’s to your colleagues, co-workers, clients, or vendors, it’s important to be as clear as possible. Clarity the first time around will allow for more efficient conversations and workflow.

For more office organizing strategies, reach out to your NYC Professional Office Organizer today!

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