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Ask a Professional Office Organizer: Productive Home Offices

Whether you work from home occasionally, or you run your business from your home office, you may have questions on how to keep your workspace organized. Your NYC Professional Office Organizer is answering your home office organizing and productivity questions…

Q: I’m moving from my corporate office to my house and I’m concerned about keeping focused with all the distractions. Any tips?

As I personally have made this transition, I can understand your concern. My advice is to still treat your day as a regular work day even though your commute is seconds instead of possibly an hour plus. By doing this, you give it structure and the structure will help keep you focused. Be sure to set up your home office space so that it is conducive to working full time. Then, continue to apply all the same systems that you used in your former space to get the work done.

Q: My home office has become a catch all for household items that don’t really have a home. I want to declutter, but not sure what to do first – any advice on where to begin?

Start by setting boundaries that will separate your office and home life. Have a family meeting to explain your expectations regarding your home office space and ask for everyone’s assistance in keeping household items out of your space. Be aware that it may take a few weeks for these new habits to become routine. Start decluttering the space. If any new additions are left in your workspace, remind whoever left them of your plan for the space.

Q: I’m struggling to keep my business files separate and organized in my home office. I found an important contract mixed in with my bills this week. How can I keep everything separate?

If you are still using a paper filing system (or even if you file digitally), create and maintain 2 sets of files. One for your business documents and one for all personal/family information. Set up separate trays/baskets for all new incoming mail and information. Keep the work one on your desk and put the tray for personal/family information in either another spot in your office or in the kitchen or other area where you process the daily mail.

Do you have a question for this NYC Professional Office Organizer? You can send in your questions right here and then check back next month to see what new advice I shared!

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