Ask a Professional Organizer – Get Your Office Organized for the New Year
Achieving your office organizing goals this year does not have to be hard. This NYC Professional Office Organizer receives questions all the time about how to handle organizing challenges and how to reach organizing goals in 2019. I’m answering some frequently asked questions today:
Q: Keeping my desk organized is one of my goals for this new year. I want to do it, but right now, it seems so daunting – my drawers are overflowing. What can I do to make reaching my goal easier?
A: As with any organizing project, it is important to not only have a goal but to make it very specific and be sure that there is a clear deadline. Once this is done, the next step is to identify the tasks that need to be done, prioritize them and schedule time to address them. For example, maybe your goal is to re-organize your 3 desk drawers by the end of the month and make sure they only contain a limited number of frequently used supplies. Working in 15-30 minute blocks of time, you can tackle one drawer at a time. The results will be motivating and keep you focused on getting the job done.
Q: One constant problem I have at work is staying on top of the large pile of papers on my desk. I can never seem to find what I need, and I’m ready for that to change. I want to make having an organized filing system a goal this year, but where do I start?
A: The first question is “why are there large piles of paper on your desk?”. Do you have a paper flow process in place as well as a filing system? If so, then it’s important to get both back on track and start using them immediately. If the systems aren’t working for you, identify the challenges and adjust the systems. If you don’t have either of these systems, they need to be set up. In doing so, your focus should be on the identifying what to do with the newest papers on the pile first.
Q: I’m making a big change this year – I’ll be working from home most of the time. I am excited, but also worried about staying focused with all the potential distractions. Any tips?
A: Being able to work from home most of the time can prove to be a great option. I also work from home and have found that at times it is necessary to close the door to my office (which is a shared den/office/guest room). I would suggest carving out a designated space to work where you can “shut out” the distractions around you. In addition, you can try headphones or ear buds as music can help keep you focused when it’s noisy around you. It will be important to set boundaries especially if you have a family so that everyone knows to not disturb you during your designated work hours.
Start 2019 off working from an organized office! If you have more questions or are ready for hands-on strategies, reach out to this NYC Professional Office Organizer today.