Before Closing the Door on 2019, Get Your Office Organized For 2020
In just a few short weeks we will be starting not just a brand new year, but also a new decade! When it comes to work, this is the time to start prepping for the calendar shift. As the year comes to a close, there are some simple office organizing tasks that can be done to ensure that 2020 starts off on the right foot! Set your office up for a productive new year with these strategies from your NYC Professional Office Organizer.
Clear Your Workspace
With juggling all the end of the year deadlines and family holiday commitments, you may have been leaving a trail of coffee cups, file folders and notepads in your workspace. There’s been limited time and much to do so periodically decluttering your space hasn’t happened. As the last couple weeks of year wind down and your work commitments are checked off your list, take a little time to re-organize your space. Tossing, recycling, shredding and filing so that you’ll have a workspace that is ready for the onslaught of new projects in January.
Overhaul Your Paper Files
The end of the year is the perfect time to review your filing system with the intent of streamlining the contents. Start by reviewing your company’s retention guidelines. Remove files that aren’t needed and shred them as appropriate, keep those that should be kept and set up hanging folders or file folders for new additions. If a document or file must be kept but can be put in your archive, set up an archive box and store it locally or offsite if office space is an issue. Be sure the box is clearly labeled and dated.
Organize Digital Files
Throughout the year, you probably saved or downloaded a myriad of files. Take time to sort through all these files, delete those that are no longer needed, and create a folder structure that includes all the broad categories related to your current work responsibilities. Setting up an archive folder for those files that are no longer relevant to your day-to-day tasks helps to better organize digital files. Try setting up your filing system so that you are saving files directly to appropriate folders rather than storing them in a generic download folder. Also, take time right now to back-up all your computer files if you don’t already do this regularly. You can utilize a Cloud sharing application or an external hard drive. Moving forward, schedule time to back-up your files regularly. Better yet, configure your computer to do automatic back-ups every night using a tool like Carbonite.
By implementing these strategies, you’ll be well on your way to starting the next decade in an organized and productive fashion! For more hands-on office organizing tips and strategies, reach out to this NYC Professional Office Organizer today.