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Tips to Declutter Your Business from the Professional Organizer in NYC


UZSMsE5QWith the first signs of spring already visible, you probably find yourself full of energy, decluttering closets and rooms in your home. But what about your business? Have you put any thought into how your business can benefit from a spring decluttering session?

The Professional Organizer in NYC is sharing some simple tips to get your business decluttered and give you a fresh start.

  1. Check out your social networks. It has become essential for a business in today’s world to have a social media presence. Take some time to go through all of your profiles on each site you use with a fine tooth comb. Update your bios, about sections, and taglines as needed. Go through and remove friends or followers that don’t fit with you or your business. Now is a good time to evaluate your social media presence – is it necessary for you to be on that specific platform? Is your target audience there? Do you enjoy it? If the answer to any of those questions is no, it’s time to focus your energy elsewhere.
  2. Declutter your website. Go through each page of your website and read through all of your content. Take inventory of what needs to be updated and remove anything that no longer applies to your business. Update your offerings and seek out testimonials from newer clients. This may even be a good time for a complete website redesign that more effectively fits your business brand.
  3. Clean out those files. You can re-evaluate your paper filing system and make sure it is updated to suit your current needs, but don’t forget to take a look at your computer files, too. Do you have a lot of files and documents taking up space? Look into online cloud sharing services like DropBox or Google Docs to save your files, as well as make it easier to share and collaborate with team members.
  4. Check your software. Do you have anything to update on your computer? It’s especially important to stay on top of updates for security software on your computer, but now is a good time to check and make sure you are using the most recent update of your favorite apps and tools. Check out your computer, as well as your smart phone or tablet. If you have a program taking up space that you no longer use, get rid of it.
  5. Update your forms. Take some time to look at the paperwork and documents that you use and share with clients and other team members. Ensure that the information contained is still accurate and applicable to your current business procedures. Pay especially attention to phone numbers and email addresses as these may have changed.
  6. Check your business habits. Are you enjoying your work? Is anything overwhelming you? Now is a great time to evaluate your processes and procedures and make sure they are serving you and your business. If something makes you uncomfortable or doesn’t sit right, now is a great time to change that habit and adopt something new that is more aligned with you and your business.

When you think about decluttering, you often think more about household chores that have been put off for a while. It’s important to remember that your business needs to be decluttered, too! The Professional Organizer in NYC encourages you to take some time to declutter your business so that it is operating smoothly and efficiently. If you need help, check out our business services!

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