NYC Professional Office Organizer | Virtual Organizer

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How a Professional Office Organizer Prepares for the New Year

What does a professional office organizer do in her own office to prepare for time off for the holidays and to be ready to kickstart the new year? I try to walk the talk… and practice some of the very strategies that I share with my clients. Needless to say, I face the same challenges as it relates to having too much to do during the holiday season and not enough time. As this final full work week is quickly winding down, I’m working on my action plan for the rest of this year.

My strategy is as follows:

  1. Accept that I’m not going to be able to complete all the remaining tasks on my to-do list during the 4 days that I’ll be working over the next two weeks.
  2. Identify the absolute must do tasks and schedule time now on my calendar to get them done.
  3. Review those tasks that have been on my list for the past month or more and make the call concerning whether they’ll make the cut and become early January tasks.
  4. Assign very specific deadlines or expiration dates for those tasks that do get carried over to 2020. If these tasks are still not done by their respective deadlines, then it’s time to cross them of the list for good.
  5. Don’t start any new projects until early January; wrap up as many of this year’s projects as possible.
  6. Complete my end of year review of sales, marketing and my finances.
  7. Set my quarterly goals for next year.
  8. Don’t sweat the small stuff.
  9. Take periodic breaks to get re-energized so that I maximize my productivity.
  10. Stay focused on the prize… time off to spend with family and friends.

With the limited amount of work hours remaining in the year, it’s now or never (at least not in 2019) for many of the tasks on your list. Create your own simple strategy for getting done what must be done. If you need customized hands-on tips and office organizing strategies, reach out to this NYC Professional Office Organizer today.

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