Let the Summer Vacation Countdown Begin!
Now that Memorial Day weekend is a not so distant memory … it can only mean one thing – summer is almost here! It’s the season for beaches and barbecues, flip flops and frisbee and yes, for many of us, a well-deserved and desired, summer vacation.
But as good as it sounds, there is also some work that needs to be done. Yes work, or getting organized anyway, because the truth of the matter is that a successful vacation takes some planning. Yes, it’s a delightful dream to think about waking up, deciding upon your destination and then getting in the car or going off to the airport to start your adventure, but let’s be realistic; it’s not going to happen.
With that being said here are some tips from our NYC Professional Organizer to help you avoid any last minute hysteria and stress that can undermine your vacation:
First and foremost create a to-do list and be as thorough as possible. Make a list for your personal to-do’s and also for those that must be accomplished at work. Paper or electronic, it hardly matters but what DOES matter is that you include everything that must be addressed prior to your departure.
Organize your work schedule accordingly so that you will complete all of your deliverables and not disappoint clients and co-workers. Everyone is “entitled” to take a vacation but that doesn’t mean you should leave people in the lurch. Implement some of our time management tips to help you get those tasks that you absolutely must accomplish out of the way and determine others that may be delegated. Take the time to develop a comprehensive execution plan and work it so that you can leave for your vacation with a clear mind as well as return home and not find a chaotic mess on your desktop (physical or computer).
Start to think about packing long before the suitcase is open and on your bed. Our NYC Professional Organizer recommends that you begin to check the weather at your destination a week or so before you plan to depart. By doing this you have a much better chance of packing the right clothing.
And as for those lists you are making, prepare one for all of the items that you intend to take on the trip. As you pack the items (clothing or toiletries) cross it off your list. Besides ensuring that you don’t forget anything important, a list will help you to pare down what will go into your suitcase, a value added in this age of paying for checked bags!
Begin to clean out your refrigerator the week before you are leaving so that you don’t wind up throwing out food that has not been eaten and will spoil during your vacation.
Seems pretty obvious doesn’t it, but so many people take off for their vacation and forget to stop their newspaper delivery, arrange for someone to take in the mail or put a stop on mail delivery. Of course this should be on your to-do list, but once again, sometimes it is the most obvious things that are overlooked.
Of course you’d never forget to make the appropriate pet care arrangements for your furry friend BUT you might not make them soon enough. Remember that it is summer and the height of the vacation season. Pet boarding facilities and/or pet caregivers might get booked up leaving you with having to scurry and make alternative plans at the last minute. Avoid the stress; make the plans far enough in advance so that you know your pet will be just fine while you are away.
Keep these tips from our NYC Professional Organizer in mind and happy travels! Have a favorite tip for keeping vacation planning stress-free? Please share it!