Maximize Time Savings with these Delegation Ground Rules from our NYC Professional Organizer
The last time our NYC Professional Organizer touched on the topic of delegation, we discussed delegation in theory; how you can get more done in less time, and getting started on your delegation goals by determining what you may be able to delegate.
Turns out, there may be more for you to delegate than originally expected. You just need to be strategic in your approach by implementing specific time management tips for effective delegation. Then, you may be able to enjoy the benefits – the added time in your day, diminished stress, etc.
Here are some time management tips to consider when developing your strategy:
Eliminate unnecessary tasks
- Although you’ve already given thought to what can be eliminated, it’s important to double-check that you’ve really eliminated all you can. Ask yourself if something really needs to be done, or perhaps it can be combined with other tasks to maximize efficiency.
– Don’t just keep the fun stuff
- It’ll be really easy for you to delegate the items you don’t enjoy doing. But, that’s not the purpose of delegation – you want to make the most of the time you spend working. This means focusing on the most important tasks, and some of those may be the most challenging. After all, they’re the things you NEED to do.
- By delegating some of the tasks you enjoy, you’ll be sharing some of the “fun” and interesting work with your staff, therefore making their jobs more appealing….a mark of a great manager.
– Strategize a delegation plan
- Don’t just “dump and jump,” leaving work with people who may not understand or be properly trained for the task at hand. Discuss those tasks that you want to delegate with the staff who will be taking them on. By sharing your plans and offering direction concerning the best approach for tackling the job with these team members at the very beginning, your chances of success are heightened.
- Once the tasks have been assigned, training staff as needed is imperative and also a good investment in their future development.
– Develop your people
- A good manager will encourage the growth of his/her team members by delegating to both the strong members of the team as well as the less experienced. As our NYC Professional Organizer points out, to attain significant rewards, you must take risks, and one of those risks is placing tasks and projects in the hands of those who may never have been presented with the opportunity in the past. But they won’t learn it if they don’t try, and you’ll be there guiding them along all the way.
– Trust is key
- Once you’ve delegated your tasks, created a plan, and train the people charged with new responsibilities, it’s time to let go and trust. Sure, there’ll be bumps along the road, but that is all part of the process.
- Consider timely status meetings with your employees so they can provide updates on the tasks you’ve delegated to them. Letting them take charge is key to both of your success.
With these suggestions from our NYC Professional Organizer for developing a strategy that will work for you along with a strong understanding of what can and should be delegated, you’ll be on your way to having some free time to utilize however you like!