NYC Professional Office Organizer | Virtual Organizer

315 E 69th St, Ste 9D, New York, NY

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Must Have Office Tools for Organizing Paperwork

Keeping the paper clutter at bay in your office is no small feat. With so many paper organizing products available to you, where do you start? Here are this NYC Professional Office Organizer’s favorite products to help you get your office documents and files organized.

Label maker. This is a must have when organizing your office! You can use it in so many ways, especially when it comes to organizing paperwork. One of the most important pieces to the paper organizing puzzle is a clear and concise organizing system inside your filing cabinet. This is achieved through clear and concise labels on each file folder. With a label maker, you’ll be able to create a uniform system with legible labels.

Business card holder. If you are anything like me, you often collect business cards when meeting with potential clients and attending networking events. Not only do business cards add to the paper clutter, but they also are easily lost, which means missed opportunities for connecting and collaborating later on. If you prefer to keep the cards for even a short period, invest in a business card holder so that you don’t misplace a business card again. Try a storage file that can fit easily on a shelf in your office, or a leatherbound book that stylishly holds your cards.

Desktop file organizer. Having a place for incoming papers is an integral part of your paper organizing system, and there are many options available that might work for you. The key is an easy to use and access solution. There are many options that will fit your unique space and your specific business needs. Like this Inbox and File Holder, you can easily store incoming paperwork and the current files you are working on until you are ready to return them to your file drawer.

File storage drawers. Storing and archiving files you no longer use creates more space for your active files. You can use cardboard or plastic storage totes in varying sizes to accomplish this goal. One creative take on the storage bin is this storage drawer. Instead of a top that lifts off the box, the drawer slides out making it easy to search through.

You can get creative and find items that work for your space. Remember that whatever item you purchase, it will only work if you take the time to use it! For more strategies and hands on support with organizing paperwork in your office, reach out to this NYC Professional Office Organizer.

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