NYC Professional Office Organizer’s Must Have Decluttering Products
Now that you are digging into your office spring cleaning, it’s time to identify what items you need to keep your office organized in the future. Having a plan of attack for dealing with office clutter coupled with the right organizing products will make all the difference. Here are some of this NYC Professional Office Organizer’s favorite office organizing products that you can use in your own workspace to keep the clutter away.
Get rid of the paper. To keep your office organized going forward, you should have a specific location for paper that you are recycling or shredding, or else you’ll find yourself with piles all over your desk again. Try this recycling pail that fits right next to your garbage can from Trash Cans Warehouse. Make it even easier by keeping a shredder in your workspace, too – that way you can immediately shred documents that you don’t need and don’t have to worry about sensitive information getting into the wrong hands.
Store the paper you are saving. Stop overloading your filing cabinet with documents and files that need to be saved but that you aren’t accessing often (if at all!). Instead, store them in a storage room or closet. Try a stackable option like these plastic storage bins, or try these heavy-duty cardboard boxes that make it easy to label and identify documents.
Keep your desk drawers organized. No more digging through a cluttered drawer to find a paper clip, or searching yet again for a missing pen. Make it simple to stay organized by using desk drawer organizers to store your small office supplies. Try one of these options from Staples, or create the perfect combination of containers with this mix and match wood option from the Container Store.
Put a name on it. Though a simple idea, it’s often the most easily forgotten! The office organizing secret? Label everything! Make sure to keep a pack of permanent markers or other pens on hand to label files and storage containers. For other boxes and containers, try using a label maker like this one from DYMO.
When it comes to office organizing, having strategies in place is an important piece of the puzzle, but it’s also important to have the right tools and products at your fingertips. Use this list of must have’s from this NYC Professional Office Organizer to get some ideas for your own workspace! For more office organizing tips and hands on strategies, reach out today.