NYC Professional Office Organizer’s Top 3 Tech Tools for Organizing Paperwork
Are you overwhelmed by paperwork? If you head into the office each day and are met by an overflowing pile of files, receipts, and random documents overtaking your desk, then you are probably also struggling with productivity. Meeting deadlines and working efficiently relies on an organized office space where paperwork you need to complete a task can be found in seconds. To help you out, this NYC Professional Office Organizer has compiled a list of popular paper organizing tech tools. You can use one of these (or a variety of them!) to help you get the paperwork off your desk and stored digitally.
Evernote Scannable. If you are already using Evernote to organize your thoughts, ideas, and projects, then this app is the next logical step to keep you organized. You take pictures of documents which are automatically scanned into Evernote. You can then save or share them with your team or clients. An important perk is that the app rotates, crops, and adjusts images all on its own, so everything you scan is easy to read.
CamCard. Not only does CamCard offer an easy way to upload card information, it also allows you to exchange business cards electronically with other people that you meet when networking. You can manage your cards by adding notes, setting reminders, searching, and tagging. Now the business cards will stay organized in your app rather than taking up space on your desk.
Shoeboxed. Take a picture of your receipt and Shoeboxed does the rest. It categorizes and organizes receipts and includes the date, amount, payment type, store, and category. It also allows you to send expense reports and export data directly into your accounting software. This is vital in keeping track of business expenses! Bonus – the scanned receipts are accepted by the IRS if they are organized so you don’t have to worry about locating the paper copies come tax season. Be sure to check your tax preparer on this last point to be sure that there aren’t any exceptions concerning your specific situation.
Apps and tech tools like these come at a variety of price points to suit your business needs. Find the right one for you! For more hands-on paper organizing strategies, reach out to your NYC Professional Office Organizer.