Office Organizing Tips That You Can Use Today!
If you are currently working in a cluttered office, it might feel a bit overwhelming to think about organizing your entire office. It might even be hard to find time to designate toward a complete office overhaul. Not able to spend an entire day organizing your office? That’s okay! This Professional Organizer is sharing her top office organizing tricks that you can do right away and see results with immediately!
Have an inbox and an outbox. By implementing this simple tip, you’ll have designated spot for all incoming paperwork and files and will ensure that your desk stays paper free. An outbox can then be used for paper to be filed when you are finished with it. Don’t let paperwork pile up – schedule time to sort through and recycle or file away. Even just 10 minutes at a time will do!
Purge the old. If you are holding on to things that don’t work, get rid of them! Take 15 minutes and walk around your office. Toss out the pens that ran out of ink, recycle old magazines and newspapers, and donate unused or broken office equipment. Don’t let these items take up valuable space.
Identify your Combat Zones. What areas of your office seem to be the clutter collectors? Maybe it’s your desk, a bookshelf, or a table. Take a 5 minute break and sort through and put away all the items in that particular space. It’ll feel good to see it organized!
Label everything. Every item needs a clear and defined space. Labels make it easy to locate items and to identify what is inside a box, bin, or file. By creating a labeled space for everything, you’ll be able to take 5 minutes during your work day to clear up a Combat Zone and put those items away.
Hide your cords. Tangled cords coming from your computer, your phone, your laptop, and whatever other electronic device is being charged in your office give off a cluttered look. This office organizing tip doesn’t take much time at all! Take a few minutes to store what you aren’t using, and neatly hide what you are!
Making time for these small office organizing tasks will help make a difference in your cluttered office right away. Because it’s hard to make office organizing a priority when you have calls to make, emails to answer, and projects to work on, you need to schedule yourself time for organizing. Schedule time in your day to clear your inbox, file paperwork, and to clear off your desk. You’ll be surprised with how much difference 10 minutes of organizing can make on your productivity! When you are ready for that office overhaul, reach out to your Professional Organizer in NYC for help.