Professional Organizer in NYC shares 5 Office Organizing Tips
When you spend most of your waking hours in your office, it’s not surprising that personal items start to creep in and take over your space. Though creating an office space that feels comfortable and inviting is encouraged, if you go too far and bring in too many personal items, you’ll find yourself stuck in a cluttered mess. So how do you find that balance? This Professional Organizer in NYC is sharing office organizing tips that will allow sufficient space for your personal items while leaving plenty of room for your work related materials.
Set limits for your desk. You want your desk space to be clear so that you can be productive. Limit the amount of personal items to just two or three. You can include a family photo or a trinket, something small that doesn’t take up much space. If you have other items you want to display, move them to a shelf or on top of a filing cabinet. You could even consider swapping out the photo and personal mementos every 3-6 months.
Utilize your wall space. Wall space is often overlooked. Instead of piling pictures on your desk, consider hanging a limited number that are significant on the wall. You can also hang up certificates, awards, and letters of recognition. Be proud of your accomplishments! Don’t let them pile up in a corner of your office. Instead, you can share them in a way that makes sense and doesn’t take up valuable real estate in your office.
Hang up your belongings. Install hooks on the wall in your office or on the back of your office door. Hang up your coat, umbrella or bag. Don’t let these items pile up on your guest chair, on a table or even on the floor.
Designate a space for your phone and other personal electronics. As many people do, you might use your smart phone or tablet during the work day. But even if you use it to access programs or apps, you also may find it distracting, especially if you catch yourself checking your social media sites or reading through personal emails throughout the day. Instead, designate a space in your office for these items. You may put them in a drawer in your desk, or on a shelf near an outlet for easy charging. Turn them on silent when you aren’t using them so you aren’t tempted to check for updates.
Remove excess. Perhaps you’ve been spending more time in your office lately as you work to meet deadlines. You may have been bringing in more items – a sweater, an extra pair of shoes, thermal lunch bag, trade magazines you’ve been reading during a break. Take a few minutes every week and clear your office of the extra clutter, taking it home or returning it to where it belongs.
Keeping your office free of personal clutter allows you to use your space in an efficient manner. Bring in just enough personal items to make you feel happy, comfortable and inspired. Leave the rest at home. Call the Professional Organizer in NYC if you are ready for more office organizing strategies!