Professional Organizer in NYC’s Favorite Disaster Supply Kit Tips
We’ve talked about several important aspects of disaster preparedness this month, including creating a home inventory, developing a plan to care for your family and your pets, and designing a plan for the office. As a Professional Organizer in NYC, I urge everyone to take steps today, when NOT faced with an emergency, to plan and prepare. It’s difficult to maneuver through the aftermath of any type of disaster, but with a plan already in place, you’ll be able to make decisions from a place of preparation and knowledge rather than a place of fear.
Today we are going to focus on creating a disaster supply kit and sharing basic preparedness tips which will benefit everyone.
First, let’s look at creating a disaster supply kit. Though the kit will be based on your individual and family needs, there are some key elements that everyone should include. You should include a first aid kit, at least 72 hours’ worth of food and water, batteries, and flashlights. Make sure that everyone in your home knows where the kit is located and is able to access it. If you can, make your supply kit portable, as you never know when you may need to leave your home. Make creating the kit a family project. Though you can’t prepare for every type of disaster, if your family works together to create a plan and a disaster kit, they’ll be more confident when facing a crisis situation. For more tips on creating a disaster supply kit and planning for an emergency, click here.
As a Professional Organizer in NYC, preparedness is central to what I do. Though we’ve talked about implementing emergency plans in your home and office, there are other basic preparedness tips you should keep in mind. Make sure to keep at least a quarter tank of gas in your vehicle so you can evacuate if needed. Keep important phone numbers written down and in your wallet or emergency kit in case you aren’t able to access them on your cell phone. We’ve talked about keeping a first aid kit, but it’s also important to review basic first aid skills that may be needed. For more basic preparedness tips, read here.
Here’s the deal – as much as we may want to believe that a disaster may never happen to us, we know that’s not the reality. Disasters have happened here in NYC, including the attacks on September 11th and natural disasters like Hurricane Sandy. By preparing for the reality of a disaster, we will be able to take on an emergency with a level-head and clear knowledge of what to do. Preparation is key to organization, and is important when dealing with any type of disaster.