NYC Professional Office Organizer | Virtual Organizer

315 E 69th St, Ste 9D, New York, NY

  |  917.375.0631

“Just” Saying No is Hard, But You Need to Learn How

Saying no is hard. And it can be especially hard in a business setting. But a lot of the time management tips from professional organizers are focused around a central idea: Learning to say no is crucial. We all want to be team players, and we all want to be part of as many interesting… Continue Reading »

Avoid Procrastination with Help from NYC Professional Organizer

The urge to procrastinate is present in us all. But actually procrastinating is another thing. Some people procrastinate so much that they are more or less paralyzed, and others procrastinate so little that they have effectively become non-procrastinators. If you’d like to become one of the latter, our NYC professional organizer can help make that… Continue Reading »

Time Management Tips You Didn’t See Coming: Take a Break and Walk Away!

Learning to keep your body and your mind functioning at peak capacity requires knowing how to divide your project into a series of manageable tasks and proactively scheduling rest time at the appropriate intervals. Serious People Take Breaks When it comes to time management tips and making the most of them, not everything qualifies as… Continue Reading »

Time Management Tips: Use These Apps to Keep You On Track

Last week, we discussed apps that our NYC Professional Organizer recommends for creating and curating your to-do list, but as we said, that’s only half the battle when it comes to time management. In order to truly use your time wisely, you must know how you are actually spending it, not just how it should… Continue Reading »

Time Management Tips: To-Do List Apps that Work for You

In the summer, the last thing you want to do is leave the office at 9 o’clock at night. Getting out there and enjoying the beautiful weather is a top priority, especially when you have a long weekend planned or a vacation on the way. But there is still work to be done! In order… Continue Reading »

Time Management Tips to Help Tackle Your To-Do List

Some much to do; so little time. Isn’t that the current mantra of pretty much everyone everywhere? It doesn’t much matter your occupation or even if you’re not working (just ask any retiree and they will say, “I am as busy as I ever was,”) having a lot to do is simply our way of… Continue Reading »