Take Action: Do Office Organizing All Year Long
The key to keeping your office organized all year long is to create an organizing plan for your workspace. Decide what tasks need to be done, how often, and then schedule those tasks into your calendar. By creating a plan that you can follow, you’ll limit the clutter build-up and increase your productivity and efficiency. Here are this NYC Professional Office Organizer’s recommendations for tasks should be done daily, weekly, quarterly, and yearly to create a productive and clutter free workspace.
What you should do daily:
At the end of every work day, spend 5-10 minutes clearing off your workspace and returning items to their proper place. Make this a habit, one that you never skip. You’ll walk into your office the next day with a clean space to start working, increasing your productivity right away! Also, take time to review your calendar and to-do list for the next day so that you can walk into work prepared and ready to go.
What you should do weekly:
Tasks pile up during the week, so scheduling time at the end of your work week to tackle remaining projects is important. Clear out your voicemails, catch up on emails, and file the paperwork in your inbox. This is also a great time to remove items that belong at home which have accumulated during the week, such as an extra sweater or re-usable shopping bag.
What you should do quarterly:
It’s a great idea to review your systems and your space a few times a year. If you aren’t in need of a massive overhaul, then use this time to evaluate your current systems. Walk around your office and remove items that clearly don’t belong in that space. Grab a box and walk around your office, putting in anything that can be donated or recycled that you are no longer using.
What you should do yearly:
Even when you are organizing your office regularly throughout the year, it’s important to do a yearly review. You can take this opportunity to do a complete re-organization of your office, or focus solely on those areas that are in obvious need of help. The end of the year is the time to remove and store old files that need to be kept, and shred or recycle those that you no longer need.
By following this plan, you’ll be able to enjoy a productive and organized office space all year long! For more office organizing tips and strategies from your NYC Professional Office Organizer, reach out today.