NYC Professional Office Organizer | Virtual Organizer

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Tech Tools for Organizing Paperwork

When it comes to organizing paperwork in your office, the idea of sorting through piles of junk mail, receipts, note paper, and business cards is overwhelming. Instead of piling more on your mountain of paper, it’s time to consider going digital! How can tech tools help you manage paperwork in your office? Here are a few of this NYC Professional Office Organizer’s favorite apps to organize paperwork in your workspace.

Reduce junk mail with PaperKarma. This app lets you take photos of your unwanted mail and they automatically contact the company and remove you from their list. That’s it! No extra work for you, and no more junk mail cluttering up your space. Quick and simple, you can use this app to stop junk mail from being delivered to your home and to your office.

Manage your receipts with Shoeboxed. Take a picture of your receipt and Shoeboxed does the rest. It copies the date, amount, payment type, store, and category, and allows you to send expense reports and export the info directly into your accounting software. This is vital in keeping track of business expenses! Bonus – the scanned receipts are accepted by the IRS if they are organized so you don’t have to worry about locating the paper copies come tax season. Be sure to check your tax preparer on this last point to be sure that there aren’t any exceptions concerning your specific situation.

Organize business cards with CamCard. Not only does CamCard offer an easy way to upload card information, it also allows you to exchange business cards electronically with other people that you meet when networking. You can manage your cards by adding notes, setting reminders, searching, and tagging. Now the business cards will stay organized in your app rather than taking up space in your desk.

Save and organize documents with PaperOrganizer. This app connects with your cloud storage program of choice (Dropbox, Google Drive, or Microsoft OneDrive). PaperOrganizer helps to intuitively file your documents in an easy to find system. It uses recognition software to identify important information in each document and moves it to the appropriate folder. You can also scan documents directly with the app from your cell phone. Not only is this a great
organizing assist, it also helps save time by doing the sorting for you.

When organizing paperwork in your office, utilizing the various tech tools available can make the process even more efficient. For more hands-on tips and strategies for organizing paperwork and applying digital organizing strategies, reach out to this NYC Professional Office Organizer.

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