Work/Life Balance: Having It All During the Holidays!
The elusive work/life balance is something we all certainly strive for all year round, but it’s never more important as it is during the busy holiday season. How do you make time for your holiday traditions when there are project deadlines looming in the immediate future? Must you miss your annual family party because work has to be the priority? It doesn’t have to be all or nothing. The key is staying organized and setting reasonable expectations for yourself. Check out these strategies from your NYC Professional Office Organizer to help better manage it all this holiday season.
Set Realistic Goals
This is applicable in both your professional and business lives so that you will be successful in achieving them. Being overly ambitious especially in terms of the tasks or projects that you plan to complete during the holiday season is a recipe for a major case of overwhelm.
Clearly Distinguish Between Work And Personal Time
Once these boundaries are in place and a pre-set amount of time allotted, stay focused on the tasks at hand so that they will be quickly checked off your list. Having a finite period to tackle a task can be a great motivator.
Split Your Day Up
There will be days especially during the holidays when you’ll want to leave work early to attend your child’s holiday recital or to attend an important networking gathering. Recognizing that you might have to spend an hour so in the evening or early the next morning finishing up work, the early departure from the office will be time well spent.
Be Flexible
Offering your team the option of working from home on a regular or periodic basis will give them the opportunity to address their respective work/life challenges. Supporting them with the appropriate tech tools will make this a win-win. Create the appropriate policies around this so that this becomes a true benefit for all.
The holiday season is busy and full of many tasks and activities. You can still be present with your family and friends AND meet your work deadlines by implementing these strategies! For more hands-on office organizing support, reach out to this NYC Professional Office Organizer today.