NYC Professional Office Organizer | Virtual Organizer

315 E 69th St, Ste 9D, New York, NY

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Top Tech Tools for Disaster Preparedness

When you are faced with an emergency at work, having access to people, organizations, and necessary services can be vital. What do you do? How do you get in touch with your loved ones? Are your coworkers okay? Is it okay to attempt to travel home? An efficient and effective way to access these resources… Continue Reading »

Get Organized with these NYC Disaster Preparedness Resources

It’s hard to turn on the news lately and not see the damage left behind by the hurricanes. It’s an important reminder to us that we need to take this time to prepare ourselves and get organized. It’s easier to take action now when the stress of an emergency is not weighing you down. As… Continue Reading »

Plan Today and Be Open for Business after a Disaster

When it comes to disasters like the recent hurricanes, we know that the key is preparation. This is especially true for your business. One big question is what happens to your business after a disaster? What steps can your business take today to prepare for navigating the aftermath of a disaster situation? Here’s the truth:… Continue Reading »

NYC Professional Office Organizer’s Tips for Creating a Disaster Supply Kit

This NYC Professional Office Organizer is a strong proponent of planning and preparation, and that includes being prepared for a disaster. Disaster Preparedness Month is a great time to review your office organizing plans and strategies for a disaster and to make sure that your disaster supply kit is ready to go. Though many of… Continue Reading »

Tips to Remember When Preparing for a Disaster at Work

As Texas and Florida are recovering from the aftermath of Hurricanes Harvey and Irma, most of us have probably thought, “What if that happened to us?” Whether you are in an area often affected by hurricanes, or in another location affected by tornadoes, earthquakes, or blizzards, taking time to prepare in case of a disaster… Continue Reading »

Office Disaster Preparedness Plans – Focus on Communication & Safety

As you’ve undoubtedly seen over the last several weeks, in times of disaster such as Hurricanes Harvey and Irma, being able to communicate with family, friends, emergency personnel, and your coworkers is vitally important. There are apps to use to help communicate, and even social media has gotten in on the support – Facebook offers… Continue Reading »