Why Do We Ignore Digital Clutter
When you think of clutter, your first thoughts probably go to those piles of papers and stuff that you have been ignoring. Yes, they should be addressed. However, there is one area that also gets cluttered and is easier to overlook…. Your digital life which includes your computer, phone, other devices. The question is why do we ignore digital clutter. Here are my thoughts….
Digital Clutter Causes Stress
The prospect of clearing clutter whether physical or digital can be overwhelming. Think about how you feel when you look at your cluttered computer desktop. You have a situation out of control. It is overflowing with random folders, scattered email attachments and documents that aren’t clearly labeled. This can easily stress you out. As with other areas of life, it is sometimes easier to do nothing than to figure out how and where to start to clear the clutter. However, is taking a business as usual approach and slogging through your digital clutter really in your best interest long term?
Where to Start Decluttering
You may have reached a point where you’re ready to make a change and tackle your digital clutter. This is an important first step. However, do you know how to get started? What to do first? What strategies to follow so that job gets done as quickly as possible? This can be a major stumbling block. Even with the best of intentions, you could be de-railed even before getting started. Like any other task, it’s important to have a plan of attack so that you maximize your efforts. You may then think this is getting too complicated, you don’t have the time and give up before even trying. That would be a shame as progress could be made by focusing on clearing the clutter in daily 5-10 minute chunks.
Change your Clutter Mindset
In your digital world, there’s less urgency to get rid of specific documents or photos. After all, unlike with physical space, you have seemingly unlimited storage space. This makes it easier on one hand…. you can just keep everything. You don’t have to invest the few seconds to decide whether or not to keep draft 3 of a letter or an email attachment. You are constantly creating digital clutter especially if you don’t have a good filing system set up. It may be time to change your mindset and stop keeping everything just because you can.
Maybe it’s time to tackle your digital clutter… you’ll be more efficient, save time and your devices will work faster. These are great reasons to consider when pondering the why do we ignore digital clutter question. If you need a tip or two concerning how to get started, let’s talk.