NYC Professional Office Organizer | Virtual Organizer

315 E 69th St, Ste 9D, New York, NY

  |  917.375.0631

NYC Professional Organizer’s 30 Tips to Simplify Your Life

Simplify your life… a professional organizer’s goal in both big cities like NYC or small towns. It even sounds simple. Or maybe it sounds daunting. If your life is complicated by stuff you don’t use and activities you don’t enjoy, simplifying might seem like just one more thing on your to-do list. And it’s hard… Continue Reading »

Organizing Containers: 5 Storage Container Mistakes

When you set a goal to be more organized, it’s easy to get carried away by all of the beautiful, functional organizing containers available to store your stuff. There are so many types of organizing containers available, there’s even an entire store named for them! But common storage container mistakes can result in unnecessary expenses and end up contributing to your clutter problems rather than solving them.

Utilizing a Virtual Assistant for Your NYC Business

If you run a small or medium-sized business, do you often find your daily to-do list overwhelming? Are you spending valuable time on bookkeeping, computer maintenance, paper-shuffling and playing phone tag instead of building your business? It might be time for an assistant. While the idea of hiring an assistant may seem like big step, there… Continue Reading »

Organize Your Summer Schedule – Avoid the Blues

It’s officially summer and  you need to immediately drop everything to organize your summer schedule as it seems like the carefully-crafted schedule you’ve lived by for the past several months has been turned upside down. It probably has. Kids are out of school, there are vacations to take, camps to pack for, family to entertain… Continue Reading »

NYC Professional Organizer Advice for Vacation Packing

Your flight is booked, hotel reservations are made, sunscreen is purchased – all that’s left is vacation packing. Whether you tend to begin packing well in advance of a vacation or are a last-minute packer, utilizing a few favorite organizing strategies from this NYC Professional Organizer can not only make the process less stressful but… Continue Reading »