NYC Professional Office Organizer | Virtual Organizer

315 E 69th St, Ste 9D, New York, NY

  |  917.375.0631

A Wardrobe Organizing Strategy for a Smart, Chic Look

Take command and create a wardrobe organizing strategy. With plenty of clothes in your closet, what percentage do you really wear?  As a wardrobe stylist, I’ve found that most women wear only 10% of the items in their wardrobe. Ouch! That means 90% of the clothes hanging in your closet takes up valuable space and… Continue Reading »

Is this you? Excuses for not Eliminating Clutter in Your NYC home

Eliminating clutter in NYC homes is especially essential as space is at more of a premium than it is in more suburban areas.  Clutter is distracting.  It can be overwhelming. It creates significant stress as it impacts your relationship with those close to you.  It prevents you from inviting guests to your home or scheduling… Continue Reading »

Survey Says: The Top 5 NYC E-mail Organizing Tips

Organizing your office in NYC isn’t limited to clearing the extraneous papers off the desktop, it also involves adopting good habits for organizing the e-mail on your NYC office computer. E-mailing organizing in NYC offices is a topic that I have addressed in numerous talks over the past month. Identifying ways to for effective e-mail… Continue Reading »

Home Organizing Tips & Organizing Solutions for Your NYC Closets

For many NYC residents, storage space is at a premium so eliminating clutter and making the most of your closet space is vital. The change of seasons is a good time to clean out and identify new organizing solutions to make your NYC closet space function more efficiently. If you have limited closet space (and… Continue Reading »

Office Organizing Ideas to Maximize Cyber Security

October is National Cyber Security Awareness Month and these office organizing ideas  from The Organizing Zone, a professional office organizer in NYC, and the Department of Homeland Security can help you take steps with organizing your NYC office so that you’ll maximize the security of your computer systems: Create secure passwords for your accounts (longer… Continue Reading »

Professional Home Organizer’s Tips for Planning New York Fall Camping Getaway

Those of you who know me know that a destination without hot showers and room service does not mean “vacation” in my mind; however I recognize that warm, sunny fall days and cool fall nights make for perfect camping weekends for many NYC area residents. Professional home organizers in New York typically recommend utilizing a… Continue Reading »