NYC Professional Office Organizer | Virtual Organizer

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Balancing Work and Time Off While on Vacation

When you are running a business or have a lot of work responsibility, the idea of taking any time off to enjoy a vacation might not be on your radar. Instead of thinking of the positive benefits of getting away, you may be overwhelmed as you consider what would happen with your workload if you… Continue Reading »

To Check Email or Not While on Vacation

With the beginning of the summer travel season right around the corner, it’s time to determine your strategy for managing email during your upcoming vacation. Closing your inbox and avoiding checking email while on vacation may not be possible. What if you miss something important? What if a client needs something? It can be hard… Continue Reading »

4 Challenges Sabotaging Your Ability to Stay Focused (and what to do about them)

Do you have trouble staying focused on your daily tasks? You really aren’t alone. Many people find themselves struggling to keep on task at one point or another during their workday. Being productive for a good chunk of your workday is no easy feat! There are numerous challenges that may be sabotaging your ability to… Continue Reading »

Get Focused: Create a Schedule for Checking Email

With the hundreds of emails being sent and received daily, it’s no wonder you find yourself spending so much time sorting out your inbox! With alerts on your phone or tablet, you might find yourself coming back to your inbox several times an hour instead of focusing on other tasks that need to be done. It… Continue Reading »

Stop Using Your Inbox as Your To-Do List

One challenge you have probably faced is determining how best to manage the tasks that are delivered via email. With the rate and speed that email collects, it is incredibly easy to lose track of an important email and miss a necessary task. The key is to stop using your email inbox as a to-do… Continue Reading »

Beat Email Overwhelm… Strategies to Get You Started

Keeping your inbox organized is no small feat. If you’re like many of us, you receive at least 100 email a day if not more. Messages collect from clients, colleagues, all of the email mailing lists and of course plenty of spam. To eliminate email overwhelm, start with the basics. Create a system of filing,… Continue Reading »