My Favorites: Tips for Working From Home
Working from home is still very common and will continue to be a way of life well into next year. It comes with its own challenges like sharing your space with family members, the collection of additional clutter, and creating an effective workspace. As a NYC professional office organizer, I am frequently addressing these issues with my clients. This is a time for adapting and re-adapting as life happens around us. Here are my suggestions to hopefully make this an easier time.
3 Working from Home Challenges There are challenges with working from home especially when you have more than one person in a household doing this. We all need home office space where we can effectively get our work done. As a NYC professional office organizer, I have been hearing about many challenges that my clients and business colleagues are facing. Here are 3 common issues and tips for addressing them.
Decluttering Tips for When Life Happens When life happens…like a pandemic or moving or an intense project…our systems are pushed a side and the piles start collecting. At these times, we don’t follow the established systems for maintaining the space and it just gets out of control. Once life returns to normal, it’s time to address the clutter and get your life back on track. Here are some suggestions for doing just this.
How has COVID-19 Changed Home Offices? Before the pandemic, we didn’t talk much about home offices. With the onset of the lockdown, they were top of mind with everyone working from home. Some had one so they settled in while others were winging it. There is no question that a home office is essential. In fact, they are a must have for those looking for new homes. So, what do today’s home offices look like?
Have questions about working from home? Reach out to this NYC Professional Office Organizer today.