NYC Professional Office Organizer | Virtual Organizer

315 E 69th St, Ste 9D, New York, NY

  |  917.375.0631

How has your life changed…. COVID 1 year later

It’s difficult to believe that it has been just about year since New York as well as other states went into lockdown due to COVID. How has your life changed? I can clearly remember sitting in our local diner a year ago having dinner. We were still eating out frequently even though restaurants were less… Continue Reading »

Reduce Burnout With Home Office Organizing Strategies

It has surely been an unusual 7 months. Lockdown. Working from home. Remote learning. Balancing work and life. We may typically associate burnout with our jobs, especially if it has been an extremely busy time taken up all consuming projects. However, the stress and challenges of daily life during a pandemic can also contribute to… Continue Reading »

What 3 Mistakes Result in a Disorganized Home Office?

When I meet with a home office client either virtually or in person for the first time, the snapshot of that moment paints a clear picture of the mistakes they are making managing their space. I might see indecision, procrastination or overwhelm… sometimes a combination of all 3.  Of course, what these challenges look like… Continue Reading »

My Favorites: Tips for Working From Home

Working from home is still very common and will continue to be a way of life well into next year. It comes with its own challenges like sharing your space with family members, the collection of additional clutter, and creating an effective workspace. As a NYC professional office organizer, I am frequently addressing these issues… Continue Reading »

Virtual Organizing Sessions & Reality TV

Reality television shows have a tremendous following and shine a spotlight on real life situations and issues. One of the latest entries into this crowded field of programming focuses on virtual organizing sessions. I don’t typically watch reality television. However, I’ve recently added virtual organizing services to my professional office organizer offerings and was curious… Continue Reading »

Data Destruction Benefits for Businesses

Switching office buildings or even general office organization can be a burden. Just like cleaning out an unused office, you don’t know what to keep or throw away. However, when people become neglectful, they throw away the wrong things. In this case, electronics or data storage with sensitive information can fall into competitors’ or criminals’… Continue Reading »