NYC Professional Office Organizer | Virtual Organizer

315 E 69th St, Ste 9D, New York, NY

  |  917.375.0631

NYC Professional Office Organizer Does Home Office Makeover

One of my clients runs her Public Relations firm from a small home office located in her apartment. While there is adequate space to do to do what she needs to do, the office was cluttered and disorganized, negatively impacting her productivity. She enlisted the help of The Organizing Zone, a NYC professional office organizing… Continue Reading »

What to Keep–NYC Professional Organizer Tips for Managing Paperwork

Professional organizers in NYC are frequently called in by clients who need help with managing paperwork. In addition to developing and implementing a system for tracking and filing paperwork as it flows through your home or business, managing paperwork also includes archiving your files and knowing what you don’t need to hold on to. As… Continue Reading »