NYC Professional Office Organizer | Virtual Organizer

315 E 69th St, Ste 9D, New York, NY

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Tips for a Successful Office Move

So, you’ve gotten serious enough about your upcoming office move to be looking at a blog about it. As an NYC professional organizer, I like to reward effort like that among my clients and readers, and so let’s get started. I’ll be providing a series of office move tips that constitute what people call “tips,”… Continue Reading »

Learn What to Throw Away During Your Office Move

As you gear up for that big – and always potentially stressful – office move: here’s a tip from your NYC professional organizer to take seriously: the less you actually move, the better it is going to go. The more you see your move like Sisyphus pushing a rock up a hill, or even Atlas… Continue Reading »

Ready, Set, MOVE! Tips for Your Home or Office Move

This month, we are going to focus on the Olympics of Home and Office Organization — MOVING. For the next four weeks your NYC Professional Organizer will share strategies and tips to make your move much less stressful, and much more successful. Today we will focus on the most important part of a stress-free home… Continue Reading »

Planning a Home or Office Move? Here’s What to Do the Week Of

While it’s important to prepare for your home or office move weeks in advance, there are specific tasks and strategies that can only be tackled in the days leading up to the move.  Our NYC Professional Organizer provides a checklist to help you ensure that your moving week is stress free. Keep Moving-Related Receipts Organized… Continue Reading »

A Checklist to Help Prepare for Your Home or Office Move

Whether you’re relocating a few blocks away or to a new state, moving is a daunting task. Both home and office moves are stressful, especially in the city where the logistics of packing and transporting everything to a new location can be tricky. The key to not only surviving the move, but also alleviating the… Continue Reading »