Tips for Getting Organized
In keeping with tradition, I have been reviewing my blog posts for the year and am highlighting the 3 listed below. The topics covered are worthy of additional attention as these posts contain great tips for getting organized. Whether your challenge is clutter, procrastination or better systems to improve your productivity, making plans to address these issues after the holidays will start your year off on the right foot.
Do You Need a Personal Trainer for Clutter?
If you have worked with a personal trainer, you know that this can be a very beneficial way to establish a workout routine. Having a personal trainer (aka organizing consultant) to work with you on decluttering your space is equally beneficial. In both cases, the client has a specific goal and needs the guidance of an individual with specialized skills to guide them through the process. So, here’s what it’s like working with a personal trainer for clutter.
How to Overcome Procrastination
I had been putting off buying the laptop since February. This shouldn’t have been a difficult task. However, I had convinced myself this was going to be a huge, time-consuming project so I kept procrastinating. In September, I finally decided that it would be best to buy a laptop while my current one was working fine. So, here’s how I overcame procrastination.
Creating Effective Systems for Improving Productivity
We’ve all been there…. Facing one of life’s many transitions. As you’re getting up to speed in your new role, it is also time to assess the systems that you have relied on up to this point. They may need to also transition so you can keep pace with your new direction. This is how to increase productivity at work…by tweaking the keepers, ditching systems that no longer work, and introducing new ones. Learn more.
I hope that these tips for getting organized put you on the path to better organization and greater productivity. If you need an additional tip or two, let’s talk.