NYC Professional Office Organizer | Virtual Organizer

315 E 69th St, Ste 9D, New York, NY

  |  917.375.0631

Misconceptions of Working with a NYC Professional Organizer: Part 1

So you realize you need the assistance of a NYC Professional Organizer, but you’re not ready to bite the bullet and sign on just yet… Why? Do you need to get organized first, afraid you won’t make the progress you’d like, or think your space must be perfect? Don’t be! Read below for part one… Continue Reading »

Organization & Peace of Mind from Your NYC Professional Organizer – The Ultimate Valentine’s Day Gift

When you give the gift of organization this Valentine’s Day, your loved one – be it a significant other, friend, or family member – will receive the gift of peace of mind, increased productivity, and a less stressful more simplified life. And that’s certainly priceless. Our NYC Professional Organizer offers a range of gift certificate… Continue Reading »

Looking Back: The Organizing Zone’s NYC Professional Organizer’s Top 5 Tips of 2013

Throughout 2013 our NYC Professional Organizer devoted a lot of her time and expertise to enhancing the lives of others through greater organization. Posts shared on this blog, as well as on The Organizing Zone’s Facebook page, Twitter account, Google+ page, and LinkedIn profile were meant to inspire others with smart tips, tricks, and real… Continue Reading »

Desk Organizing Advice from Our NYC Professional Office Organizer

This month, as many individuals work towards their New Year’s Resolutions of becoming more organized, we’ve stressed the importance of starting small. We’ve discussed strategies from our NYC Professional Office Organizer for creating and maintaining resolutions that you will keep. We shared that choosing a smaller task, like organizing your purse, can create momentum and… Continue Reading »

NYC Professional Organizer Helps You Tackle Two Resolutions At Once

2014 has just begun, prompting many of us to resolve to make improvements in the year to come. Two of the most common resolutions our NYC Professional Organizer hears involve becoming more organized and saving money. She is able to help her clients do both by implementing a few simple systems. Not only do you… Continue Reading »

Email Organization Tips for Well Crafted Messages

In the age of email, constant communication is at our finger tips. As much as this improves our ability to work with others, especially those working in a separate location from us, it also creates a few new challenges. Often one of the biggest challenges is the productivity issues that arise due to the time… Continue Reading »