NYC Professional Office Organizer | Virtual Organizer

315 E 69th St, Ste 9D, New York, NY

  |  917.375.0631

5 Ways to Organize with Pinterest

Do you “pin”? Even if you haven’t jumped on the Pinterest bandwagon, you’ve likely heard about this social networking site that allows users to “clip” and “pin” photos and web content and organize them on Pinterest into virtual “pin boards” – displaying everything from vacation destinations to favorite shoes to brownie recipes. Here are five… Continue Reading »

Declutter Your Computer Files for Improved Efficiency

Like us, our computers work better and with improved efficiency when our computer files are decluttered and organized. Not only does cleaning out your computer files improve the efficiency with which it runs, it makes you more efficient because files are easy to locate and you know where to store everything for easy retrieval later…. Continue Reading »

When Grief and Organizing Intersect

As a professional organizer, there are times when we encounter people who are coping with devastating loss and grief. The loss may include divorce, family illness or miscarriage, or death of a loved one or pet. Sometimes it’s the loss of physical abilities due to illness, accident, or old age. Or it could be the… Continue Reading »

Organize Office Paperwork: Solutions That Work

I want to share a short success story. Last Friday, I was working with a client to organize office paperwork, including her tax receipts. This is the third year we have worked together utilizing organizing solutions to make sure her paperwork is in order for tax preparation. During our session, we needed to locate her… Continue Reading »

Professional Organizer Reveals 8 Ways Being Organized Saves You Money

Professional organizers can tell you that there are many advantages to being organized. Saving money is one that’s hard to overlook. Taking steps to organize your home and office empowers you to be more efficient and less stressed, but there are real monetary benefits as well. Just the process of working with a professional organizer… Continue Reading »

5 NYC Professional Organizer Tips for New Year’s Resolutions

I recently came across a definition for New Year’s Resolutions:  noun; a to-do list for the first week of January. It made me laugh, but I also realize that it’s often all too true. We start the year with the best of intentions:  eat healthy, lose weight, get organized, save money, and the list goes… Continue Reading »