NYC Professional Office Organizer | Virtual Organizer

315 E 69th St, Ste 9D, New York, NY

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Bogged Down With Emails? Email Organization Tips to Clear the Clutter!

A crowded, disorganized email inbox is no different than constantly disorganized work environment. It slows you down, and saps your effectiveness. Potentially important communications are buried in lengthy email conversations, or obscured by outdated or irrelevant emails. If your email inbox is overflowing, then your work, your energy, and your ability to respond to important… Continue Reading »

Email Organization Tips for Well Crafted Messages

In the age of email, constant communication is at our finger tips. As much as this improves our ability to work with others, especially those working in a separate location from us, it also creates a few new challenges. Often one of the biggest challenges is the productivity issues that arise due to the time… Continue Reading »

E-mail Organization

According to a 2012 McKinsey Global Institute report, the average employee receives 147 e-mails per day. Yes, that’s per day! No wonder it’s one of our most daunting organizational tasks! Here are 4 proven email organization tips from your professional organizer in NYC that will allow you to gain and maintain control over your inbox… Continue Reading »

E-mail Organizing: 10 Tips for Sending Quality Messages

I like just about everyone that I speak with am spending lots of time organizing my e-mail. By processing, I am referring to reviewing, responding and filing messages.  As I am trying to be more productive and optimize my e-mail time, I have started to apply the following strategy when processing my mail.  Not only… Continue Reading »