NYC Professional Office Organizer | Virtual Organizer

315 E 69th St, Ste 9D, New York, NY

  |  917.375.0631

2019: An Office Organizing Year in Review

Can you believe that 2019 has come to an end? As we celebrate the last few days of the year, this NYC Professional Office Organizer is taking a look back at some of our hot topics and most shared blog articles over 2019. Using Music to Stay Focused at Work Do you listen to music… Continue Reading »

How a Professional Office Organizer Prepares for the New Year

What does a professional office organizer do in her own office to prepare for time off for the holidays and to be ready to kickstart the new year? I try to walk the talk… and practice some of the very strategies that I share with my clients. Needless to say, I face the same challenges… Continue Reading »

Work/Life Balance: Having It All During the Holidays!

The elusive work/life balance is something we all certainly strive for all year round, but it’s never more important as it is during the busy holiday season. How do you make time for your holiday traditions when there are project deadlines looming in the immediate future? Must you miss your annual family party because work… Continue Reading »

The Truth About Disorganization: It Impacts Your Whole Life

The truth is… in order to keep up in the workforce, being organized can make you more productive. Being disorganized can hinder your efficiency, hold you back from where you want to be professionally, and can cost you money and clients. By discovering how important organization is to your life and recognizing what happens in… Continue Reading »

How Office Organizing Strategies Can Help Reduce Burnout

What is burnout? It’s defined as a state of emotional, physical, and mental exhaustion caused by excessive and prolonged stress. A Gallup poll of 7,500 full-time employees indicates that one in four employees feel burned out at work very often or always, while nearly half report feeling it sometimes. Burnout can overpower your work life… Continue Reading »

Let’s Talk: Effective Communication Improves Productivity

I’ve often shared that ORGANIZATION is key in creating a productive workplace and good communication skills are vital in working productively in that space. When communicating effectively you will alleviate confusion, give purpose, create accountability, and ultimately provide a more positive company culture. Efficient communication improves productivity. Without it, you will spend more time on… Continue Reading »