NYC Professional Office Organizer | Virtual Organizer

315 E 69th St, Ste 9D, New York, NY

  |  917.375.0631

Take Command…Have an Organized Home Office

Why should you take command of your workspace so that you have an organized home office?  This is a question that I address frequently with clients. Working from home was always the norm for many and now is the norm for the majority. Even though you’ve been doing this for the past 9 months, your… Continue Reading »

How a NYC Professional Office Organizer Decluttered Her Own Files

Are you also using this forced time at home to tackle some of those projects that have long been on the back burner? I recently had the chance to cross one of these projects off my list. I have had cleaning out my home office files on my list for the longest time. As I… Continue Reading »

5 Time Management Tips for Working at Home During COVID-19

While we are into our third week of all employees in non-essential industries working from home in most of the country, many of us are still adjusting to this change in our daily routines. Our time management skills which may have served us well a month ago are being challenged regularly. Between sharing our workspace… Continue Reading »

NYC Professional Office Organizer’s Strategies for a Clutter Free Home Office

Decluttering your home office is an important step on the road towards improved productivity and efficiency. When you work from home, you already are faced with the challenge of staying productive despite all the distractions such as family members talking, your favorite television show enticing you from the DVR, or the pile of laundry needing… Continue Reading »

NYC Professional Office Organizer Shares Home Office Case Study

Creating an organized workspace in your home is necessary when you are trying to improve your productivity, and even more important when you are exploring new opportunities. A new client contacted me after recently being laid off from his managerial position in a small company. I was tasked with setting up a functional and organized… Continue Reading »

4 Tips for Organizing Paperwork in Your Home Office

Working from a home office comes with many advantages, but it also has its fair share of challenges. One such challenge is organizing paperwork. Juggling both business documents and personal documents can be a struggle, especially in a shared space. Having a system in place to deal with the business and personal documents is a… Continue Reading »