NYC Professional Office Organizer | Virtual Organizer

315 E 69th St, Ste 9D, New York, NY

  |  917.375.0631

5 Time Management Tips for Working at Home During COVID-19

While we are into our third week of all employees in non-essential industries working from home in most of the country, many of us are still adjusting to this change in our daily routines. Our time management skills which may have served us well a month ago are being challenged regularly. Between sharing our workspace… Continue Reading »

3 Time-Saving Tips for Small Businesses

Running a small business is a bit like raising a child. Each require near-constant attention from you especially during the early stages, monopolizing your valuable time and energy. However, as a child and your company…which you may think of in the same way…grow needs change. Hence, the types of tasks that filled your to-do list… Continue Reading »

4 Strategies To Maximize Your Work Day This Summer

Attempting to balance work and life is hard for everyone, but it’s increasingly more difficult during the summer months. With the warmer weather and longer days, there are more opportunities for vacations, trips, and fun. But despite the weather, work still needs to be done. How can you maximize your workday so you can enjoy… Continue Reading »

4 Holiday Time Management Strategies for the Office

It’s that time of year again! There is excitement in the air as the holidays are fast approaching, and with them comes lists of gifts to buy, invitations to consider, events to plan– all in a limited amount of time. Even with all the festivities, you still need to be productive during these last work… Continue Reading »

Maximize Your Time at Work This Summer

Managing the magical “work/life balance” is hard enough as it is, but it’s increasingly more difficult during the summer months. With the warmer weather and longer days, there are more opportunities for vacations, trips, and fun. But despite the weather, work still needs to be done. So how can you maximize your work day so… Continue Reading »

NYC Professional Office Organizer’s Tips for Working in Work Time on Vacation

As a solopreneur or the head of a small business, where much of the responsibility falls on your shoulders, the idea of taking any time off from work might feel impossible. You aren’t the only one who feels this way! That’s why many people end up loading up their laptop with plans to work from… Continue Reading »