NYC Professional Office Organizer | Virtual Organizer

315 E 69th St, Ste 9D, New York, NY

  |  917.375.0631

Home Office: Paperwork Organizing

I was recently contacted by a woman who lives on the West Coast and was interested in purchasing a gift certificate for her father who lives in NYC.  He moved out of his business office and set up shop in a spare bedroom in his apartment 3 years ago.  As what was going to be… Continue Reading »

Home Office Organizing: Setting Up A Command Center

My NYC home office organizing client may not be a corporate CEO, but has as many responsibilities as one.  She manages the household, oversees the schedules and activities of her husband and 4 children, is pursuing additional training and runs her own small business. While she does have an office outside of her apartment, she… Continue Reading »

Managing E-mail with Organizing Tips

As I am a solo-preneur, I wear many hats which makes each day different from the next. While I enjoy this aspect of my business, it is also the source of a certain amount of stress especially as it relates to staying on top of the endless flood of e-mails. I am constantly trying to find… Continue Reading »

Keep the Organizing Solutions Simple

When I am working with clients to get their offices, homes or paperwork organized, I always stress that the systems that we create need to be as simple as possible so that they will be easy to follow and remember.  As the solutions that I create usually involve learning a new behavior, it is especially… Continue Reading »

MDs Need Organization, Too – Office Organizing Ideas for a Doctor

Now that the final phase of this project has been completed, the transformation that has occurred in this space is amazing.  My objective was to figure out how to best utilize all available space and create as much storage as possible.  These are solid office organizing ideas that I draw on repeatedly. In this particular case, we… Continue Reading »

Office Organizing Ideas for a Doctor’s Office – Maximizing Space

Now that the dozens and dozens of boxes have been picked up by the shredding company and all of the trash bags have been removed, it’s amazing how much space there is for the 20+ file cabinets and assorted items that need to be stored in this one room.  This part of the project is… Continue Reading »