NYC Professional Office Organizer | Virtual Organizer

315 E 69th St, Ste 9D, New York, NY

  |  917.375.0631

It’s Tax Season – Get Your Paperwork Organized

It’s that time again… tax season is starting! Are you ready for it? This NYC Professional Office Organizer is sharing some important steps you can take to get ready for this tax season as well as how to get a jumpstart on next year. WHAT TO DO NOW Start with a List The first step… Continue Reading »

3 Tips for Going Paperless in Your Home Office

Excessive clutter can not only clog up your home office and physical space but can also overwhelm your mind as well. To reduce this internal and external clutter, many people are going paperless. Piles of mail and assorted documents are a large contributing factor to clutter but making the decisions to toss or shred old… Continue Reading »

NYC Professional Office Organizer: A Look Back at the Last Decade

Along with January comes the emphasis on the new year, new you, time for changes… but this January has a unique spin. This is also the beginning of the new decade. Social media has been filled with posts looking back at the past decade – what changed, what stayed the same. I have been doing… Continue Reading »

4 Reasons You Should Organize Your Office

It’s one thing to write “getting organized” on your list of goals this year, but it’s another to take action and… make it happen. The truth is that many of us are stressed out and overwhelmed with juggling work and home life, and we just aren’t making office organizing a priority. It’s time to reframe… Continue Reading »

Use Tech Tools to Get Organized at Work

The beginning of the year is a good time to change up how you are managing tasks and processes. One solution that is increasing in popularity is to add new technology to your business practices. Office organizing begins with efficiently managing your tasks, and when working with a team or on the go, office organizing… Continue Reading »

3 Small Office Organizing Shifts For Big Impact

The general idea of “organizing your office” is big and vague. It’s not very specific so it can is overwhelming to think about all the tasks you need to do to get organized! Instead of focusing on that larger concept, focus on the small daily shifts you can make which will have a big impact… Continue Reading »