NYC Professional Office Organizer | Virtual Organizer

315 E 69th St, Ste 9D, New York, NY

  |  917.375.0631

5 Minute Decluttering Tips from the Professional Organizer in NYC

Clutter, clutter, everywhere! This Professional Organizer in NYC knows that nobody is a fan of clutter, yet we all end up dealing with it in our daily lives. Clutter can make you feel overwhelmed, anxious, and frustrated. This is especially true if your office is cluttered. It’s near impossible to be productive and do your best work… Continue Reading »

Decluttering Tips for Your Office Space and Your Business

  Clutter keeps you inefficient and overwhelmed, and clutter in your office space and inside your business is no exception! It’s hard to maintain a level of productivity when you spend a lot of your time weeding through the clutter on your desk to find what you need. This Professional Organizer in NYC is sharing tips to help… Continue Reading »

Cold Weather: A Great Time to Clear That Clutter!

Baby it’s cold outside. We’re now solidly in the middle of winter with the holidays behind us and a few more months of cold in our future. We know that a certain amount of snow is bound to fall and we can expect sleet and freezing rain as well. It’s enough to make you want… Continue Reading »

Cleaning Out When the Kids Are Grown

Childhood artwork circa 1990. Lego creations from the same era. Hockey trophies and baseball cards. Projects for which the grade was “A” and homework assignments that were deemed incomplete. Nintendo systems and Game Boys too and boxes and boxes of memorabilia, most tattered and scarcely recognizable. Ask most parents and they will sigh and wearily… Continue Reading »

Tips for a Successful Office Move

So, you’ve gotten serious enough about your upcoming office move to be looking at a blog about it. As an NYC professional organizer, I like to reward effort like that among my clients and readers, and so let’s get started. I’ll be providing a series of office move tips that constitute what people call “tips,”… Continue Reading »

Don’t Work Harder, Work SMARTer with Help from Your NYC Professional Organizer!

By and large, Americans are hard workers. As a culture, we believe in maxims such as “put your shoulder to the grindstone.” Quotes from illustrious authors include such work-related thoughts as, “Nothing will work unless you do.” (Maya Angelou) And “The only place success comes before work is in the dictionary.” (Vincent Lombardi). But our… Continue Reading »