NYC Professional Office Organizer | Virtual Organizer

315 E 69th St, Ste 9D, New York, NY

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Professional Organizer in NYC’s Top Time Management Apps

Technology has allowed us to save time in the office, allowing us to communicate with clients and colleagues in seconds with email and through the internet. But it doesn’t end there! There are many tools and apps available that you can use to optimize your time and rate high on my list of time management… Continue Reading »

8 Digital Apps for Office Organizing

Staying productive and efficient in your office space is extremely important. Thanks to technology, office organizing can now take on a whole new look! Here are some of this Professional Organizer in NYC’s favorite digital apps to help improve your productivity and keep your office organized. 1. Wunderlist. This powerful to-do list lets you create multiple to-do lists, share… Continue Reading »

An NYC Professional Organizer’s Favorite Family App: Cozi

Sometimes all the time-saving apps people are using look like they would take forever to get a handle on – I get it, believe me! As an NYC professional organizer, though, I’ve done the math. And the best of these time-saving and sanity-preserving apps are really worth it. One that I’ve been talking about a… Continue Reading »